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University Support for PBSA Under the London Plan

Many PBSA developers are having difficulty in gaining traction with Universities to provide the support for student accommodation projects required through the planning process as envisaged by Policy H15 of the GLA's London Plan.


SFG is retained by a number of PBSA developer clients to introduce Higher Education Providers ("HEP's") to support potential developments that would be a good fit and we currently have over 7,000 beds across London within our remit.


We work with developer clients to develop a suite of documents to introduce HEP's to the PBSA scheme and then identify a targeted list of HEP's per scheme. SFG then work with the developer to secure university support for the scheme through planning and assist in the negotiation of the proposed nomination or lease arrangement working with legal and planning teams to accurate documentation through detailed Heads of Terms, and subsequently a nomination agreement or lease.

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